Saturday, 21 September 2024

অনুভৱৰ একলম

সকলোৰে আশা
থাকে; থাকে সপোন। মোৰো
এটা সপোন আছে, পৃথিৱী
চোৱাৰ। এৰা, এদিন মই পৃথিৱীখন
হেঁপাহ পলুৱাই চাম। শুকুলা ডাৱৰৰ
সৈতে লুকা-ভাকু খেলি; দুহাত
মেলি আঁকোৱালি ল’ম ৰ’দজাক। চুই
চাম মোৰ আশাৰ আকাশখন।
সাগৰতীৰত শামুক বুটলিম।
কিনকিনিয়া বৰষুণত তিতি সুঘ্ৰাণ
ল’ম পাহাৰৰ বনৰীয়া ফুলৰ। গভীৰ
অৰণ্যৰ কোমল বননিত বহি চিঞৰি
চিঞৰি পাঠ কৰিম জন কীটছৰ বা
হীৰুদাৰ কবিতা-‘A thing of beauty is
a joy forever’ বা ‘প্ৰেম নিশ্চয়
এনেকুৱাই, আৱৰণ খুলি হৃদয় জুৰায়’ ।
নতুবা আকৌ কোনো প্ৰাণচঞ্চলা
জান বা জুৰিৰ কাষৰ মসৃণ শিলত
বহি দুহাতেৰে পানী উচালি
শূণ্যত আঁকিম হেঁপাহৰ সাতোৰঙী
ৰামধেনু। জোনৰ বুকুত সপোন ৰচিম ;
জোনাকত সাজিম এখন ঘৰ। নিশা
যেতিয়া গভীৰ হ’ব , তাতেই
জিৰাম অলপ নিয়ৰ সেমেকা
দূবৰিৰ বুকুৰ মিঠা উমত !

Friday, 22 November 2019


শুভেচ্ছা নজনাওঁ তোমাক জন্মদিনৰ
কুশলেই আছা ছাগে
নিজৰ হাতেৰেই গুঁঠি লোৱা
বকুলৰ মালাডাল বুকুত সাৱটি
আঁজুৰি লোৱা সপোনৰে উমলি
কুশলেই আছা ছাগে তুমি ৷
তুমি ছাতি লৈ গুছি যোৱাৰ পাছতেই
নেৰানেপেৰা বৰষুণ, এজাক ৰ পাচত আকৌ এজাক
বৰ কষ্ট বৰ কষ্ট উদং পিঠিত চাবুকৰ কোব বৰ কষ্ট
আৰু বহুতো হ'ল কিবাকিবি
তুমি বুজিব নোৱাৰা মই বুজাব নোৱাৰা ৷
কোৱা , কি ৰঙৰ সাজ পিন্ধিবা আজি
তুমি ভাল পোৱা আকাশী নিলা
নে মই ভাল পোৱা গুলপীয়া
নে তেওঁৰ প্ৰিয় কিবা ৰং ৷
তুমি জানা প্ৰিয়ম্বদা
কোনেও শুভেচ্ছা নজনাই মোক
নাই কোনো বিজয় উল্লাস , নাই পৰাজয়ৰ দুখ
চিনাকি অচিনাকি, আপোন পৰ
সকলোৱে কয় মই হেনো বিদ্ৰোহী প্ৰেমিক
তুমি তো জানাই
সহানুভূতি মোৰ প্ৰিয় নাচিল কোনোদিন
আজিও নহয় ৷

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

নীলা খামৰ চিঠি

বাহিৰৰ বতাহজাকে চাকিটো নুমুওৱাব এতিয়া৷ৰ’বা শলিতাডাল বঢ়াই লওঁ৷ আজি বহুত দিনৰ পিছত এয়া কলম তুলি লৈছো তোমালৈ বুলি……….।
আজি মোৰ মন ভৰ দুপৰীয়া৷ ইমান দিনে আবেগ বিহ্বল মনটো কঢ়িয়াই লৈ ফুৰিছিলো নিঃসংগতাৰ মাজেৰে, নিঃসংগতাৰ মাজত মোৰ অন্তৰ নিজৰ দুখতে নিজেই মগন….এই নিঃসংগতা মোৰ যেন যৌৱনৰ উপহাৰ৷
যৌৱনৰ পুৱতি বেলা মোৰ জীৱনলৈ প্ৰেম আহিছিল(?) প্ৰেমিকাৰ(তোমাৰ)প্ৰেমভৰা হিয়া বিচাৰি৷ মোৰ আশা আৰু সপোনৰ মাজত বিচৰণ কৰিছিল….. কিন্তু মই(আশাহত) বুজি পালোঁ “প্ৰেম” মোৰ বাবে এক দূৰৰ সপোন মাথোন, কোনোবাই ভুলতে চুই যোৱা মোৰ বাবে বাটৰ কাষৰ বনৰীয়া ফুলৰ দৰে উপেক্ষিত আৰু অপ্ৰয়োজনীয়!

হয়তো, মোৰ বাবে ভালপোৱা এক বিষাদৰ সম্পদ। ই অজানিতে আহি সুখ সপোনৰ লহৰেৰে ভৰাই তোলে জীৱন। সপোনৰ ৰাণী আঁতৰি গ’লে ভালপোৱাই এৰি থৈ যায় ৰিক্ত নিঃস্ব হৃদয়৷ প্ৰেম কি যে এক অদ্ভূত অনুভূতি!
এতিয়া মই কেনেদৰে আছো জানা? কলিজাৰ একোণত একুৰা চিতাৰ জুই জ্বলাই তাকে নিতৌ অকলে ফুৱাইছো৷ক’ব পাৰা এয়া মোৰ জীৱনৰ প্ৰথম আৰু শেষ বিফলতাৰ প্ৰেম বুলি।  কিন্তু মই ভাবো এইয়াই যেন মোৰ বাবে বিধাতাৰ শ্ৰেষ্ঠতম দান! কাৰণ, মই অনুভৱ কৰিছো মানৱীয় অনুভূতিসমূহৰ ভিতৰত সবাতোকৈ শ্ৰেষ্ঠতম অনুভূতিটো৷এতিয়া,বিষাদ আৰু শূণ্যতাৰ মাজত মৰুভূমিৰ দৰে হাঁহাকাৰে ভৰা নিঃসংগ বুকুলৈ থকা মই স্বপ্নাতুৰ পথিক।
তুমিতো জানা, আত্মগোপনৰ ভাৱ সকলো আলসুৱা অন্তৰতে থাকে৷ঠিক মোৰ আলসুৱা মনেও বেদনা সহিব নোৱাৰাৰ বাবে এক বিস্মৃতিৰ সন্ধান বিচাৰিছো। মধুময় সপোনৰ দৰে পাৰ হৈ যোৱা যৌৱনৰ এচমকা মিঠা সময় এতিয়া বিষৰ  দৰে জ্বালাময়। সেয়েহে, দিঠকত যদিও মোৰ  প্ৰিয়তমা(তোমাৰ) লগত মিলন নহ’ল, তথাপিও প্ৰেম মোৰ সম্পদৰূপে হিয়াতে ৰৈ গ’ল………….।

আৰু কি লিখিম? বিশেষ একো নাই। মোৰে শপত, তুমি আহিলে মোক আগতীয়াকৈ জনাবা৷ মৰম ল’বা৷
ইতি…………… তোমাৰ অপাত্ৰক অভিমানী প্ৰেমিক ইলিয়াছ হাচান

Monday, 25 March 2019

Health tips | 23 Health tips only for you.

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1. Neurobics for your mind. Get your brain fizzing with energy. American researchers coined the term ‘neurobics’ for tasks which activate the brain's own biochemical pathways and to bring new pathways online that can help to strengthen or preserve brain circuits.
Brush your teeth with your ‘other’ hand, take a new route to work or choose your clothes based on sense of touch rather than sight. People with mental agility tend to have lower rates of

Alzheimer's disease and age-related mental decline.
2. Get what you give! Always giving and never taking? This is the short road to compassion fatigue. Give to yourself and receive from others, otherwise you’ll get to a point where you have nothing left to give. And hey, if you can’t receive from others, how can you expect them to receive from you?
3. Get spiritual. A study conducted by the formidably sober and scientific Harvard University found that patients who were prayed for recovered quicker than those who weren’t, even if they weren’t aware of the prayer.
4. Get smelly. Garlic, onions, spring onions and leeks all contain stuff that’s good for you. A study at the Child’s Health Institute in Cape Town found that eating raw garlic helped fight serious childhood infections. Heat destroys these properties, so eat yours raw, wash it down with fruit juice or, if you’re a sissy, have it in tablet form.
5. Knock one back. A glass of red wine a day is good for you. A number of studies have found this, but a recent one found that the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea, red wine and olives may also help protect you against breast cancer. It’s thought that the antioxidants help protect you from environmental carcinogens such as passive tobacco smoke.
6. Bone up daily. Get your daily calcium by popping a tab, chugging milk or eating yoghurt. It’ll keep your bones strong. Remember that your bone density declines after the age of 30. You need at least 200 milligrams daily, which you should combine with magnesium, or it simply won’t be absorbed.
7. Berries for your belly. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival grapes in concentrations of resveratrol – the antioxidant compound found in red wine that has assumed near mythological proportions. Resveratrol is believed to help protect against heart disease and cancer.
8. Curry favour. Hot, spicy foods containing chillies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful, almost narcotic, effect and make you feel good after exercising. But go easy on the lamb, pork and mutton and the high-fat, creamy dishes served in many Indian restaurants.

9. Cut out herbs before ops. Some herbal supplements – from the popular St John's Wort and ginkgo biloba to garlic, ginger, ginseng and feverfew – can cause increased bleeding during surgery, warn surgeons. It may be wise to stop taking all medication, including herbal supplements, at least two weeks before surgery, and inform your surgeon about your herbal use.
10. I say tomato. Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and casseroles, as well as in salads.
The British Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and apples can reduce your
risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases. Both contain the antioxidant quercetin. To enjoy the benefits, eat five apples a week or a tomato every other day.
11. Eat your stress away. Prevent low blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat regular and small healthy meals and keep fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will also soothe your frazzled nerves.
Eating unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and bananas boosts the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small amounts of protein containing the amino acid tryptamine can give you a boost when stress tires you out.
12. Load up on vitamin C.We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas!
13. No folly in folic acid. Folic acid should be taken regularly by all pregnant mums and people with a low immunity to disease. Folic acid prevents spina bifida in unborn babies and can play a role in cancer prevention. It is found in green leafy vegetables, liver, fruit and bran.
14. A for Away. This vitamin, and beta carotene, help to boost immunity against disease. It also assists in the healing process of diseases such as measles and is recommended by the WHO. Good natural sources of vitamin A are kidneys, liver, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables, pawpaw, mangoes, chilli pepper, red sorrel and red palm oil.

15. Pure water. Don’t have soft drinks or energy drinks while you're exercising. Stay properly hydrated by drinking enough water during your workout (just don't overdo things, as drinking too much water can also be dangerous).
While you might need energy drinks for long-distance running, in shorter exercise sessions in the gym, your body will burn the glucose from the soft drink first, before starting to burn body fat. Same goes for eating sweets.
16. GI, Jane. Carbohydrates with a high glycaemic index, such as bread, sugar, honey and grain-based food will give instant energy and accelerate your metabolism. If you’re trying to burn fat, stick to beans, rice, pasta, lentils, peas, soya beans and oat bran, all of which have a low GI count.
17. Mindful living. You've probably heard the old adage that life's too short to stuff a mushroom. But perhaps you should consider the opposite: that life's simply too short NOT to focus on the simple tasks. By slowing down and concentrating on basic things, you'll clear your mind of everything that worries you.
Really concentrate on sensations and experiences again: observe the rough texture of a strawberry's skin as you touch it, and taste the sweet-sour juice as you bite into the fruit; when your partner strokes your hand, pay careful attention to the sensation on your skin; and learn to really focus on simple tasks while doing them, whether it's flowering plants or ironing your clothes.
18. The secret of stretching. When you stretch, ease your body into position until you feel the stretch and hold it for about 25 seconds. Breathe deeply to help your body move oxygen-rich blood to those sore muscles. Don't bounce or force yourself into an uncomfortable position.
19. Do your weights workout first.  Experts say weight training should be done first, because it's a higher intensity exercise compared to cardio. Your body is better able to handle weight training early in the workout because you're fresh and you have the energy you need to work it.
Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should be the last thing you do at the gym, because it helps your body recover by increasing blood flow to the muscles, and flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles while you're weight training. It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles feel stiff and sore.
20. Burn fat during intervals. To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, harness the joys of interval training. Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval programme, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous, but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.
21. Your dirtiest foot forward. If your ankles, knees, and hips ache from running on pavement, head for the dirt. Soft trails or graded roads are a lot easier on your joints than the hard stuff. Also, dirt surfaces tend to be uneven, forcing you to slow down a bit and focus on where to put your feet – great for agility and concentration.

22. Burn the boredom, blast the lard. Rev up your metabolism by alternating your speed and intensity during aerobic workouts. Not only should you alternate your routine to prevent burnout or boredom, but to give your body a jolt.
If you normally walk at 6.5km/h on the treadmill or take 15 minutes to walk a km, up the pace by going at 8km/h for a minute or so during your workout. Do this every five minutes or so. Each time you work out, increase your bouts of speed in small increments.
23. Cool off without a beer. Don’t eat carbohydrates for at least an hour after exercise. This will force your body to break down body fat, rather than using the food you ingest. Stick to fruit and fluids during that hour, but avoid beer.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Bollywood Upcoming Movies

Upcoming Movies : Bollywood Films, Hindi New Releases

Here is the list of  Upcoming Bollywood Movies 2019,2020 with Release Dates  for New Hindi Movies.This list is subject to changes as it depends on censor certification. We are also covering latest bollywood movies and new movies releasing this year

21st March, 2019
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Movie: Kesari
Cast: Akshay Kumar, Parineeti Chopra
Director: Anurag Singh

29th March, 2019

Movie: Mental Hai Kya
Cast: Kangana Ranaut, Rajkummar Rao, Amyra Dastur
Director: Prakash Kovelamudi

05th April, 2019

Movie: Junglee
Cast: Vidyut Jammwal
Director:Chuck Russell

12th April, 2019

Movie: Romeo Akbar Walter
Cast:John Abraham, Mouni Roy, Jackie Shroff, Sikander Kher, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi
Director:Robby Grewal

19th April, 2019

Movie: Kalank
Cast: Madhuri Dixit, Sonakshi Sinha, Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Aditya Roy Kapur, Sanjay Dutt, Kunal Khemu
Director:Abhishek Varman

10th May, 2019

Movie: Student Of The Year 2
Cast: Tiger Shroff, Tara Sutaria, Sara Ali Khan, Ananya Pandey
Director: Punit Malhotra

17th May, 2019

Movie: Jabariya Jodi
Cast:Parineeti Chopra, Sidharth Malhotra, Aparshakti Khurrana
Director: Prashant Singh

Movie: De De Pyaar De
Cast: Ajay Devgn, Tabu, Rakul Preet Singh
Director:Akiv Ali

24th May, 2019

Movie: India’s Most Wanted
Cast: Arjun Kapoor
Director: Rajkumar Gupta

21st June, 2019

Movie: Kabir Singh
Cast:Shahid Kapoor, Kiara Advani
Director: Sandeep Vanga

26th July, 2019

Movie: Super 30
Cast: Hrithik Roshan, Mrunal Thakur, Nandish Sandhu, Virendra Saxena
Director: Vikas Bahl

15th August, 2019

Movie: Batla House
Cast:John Abraham, Mrunal Thakur, Ravi Kishan
Director:Nikhil Advani

Movie: Mission Mangal
Cast:Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Sonakshi Sinha, Kirti Kulhari, Sharman Joshi, Nithya Menon
Director:Jagan Shakti

Movie: Saaho
Cast:Prabhas, Shraddha Kapoor, Damini Chopra, Neil Nitin Mukesh

06th September, 2019
Movie: Good News
Cast:Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Diljit Dosanjh, Kiara Advani
Director: Raj Mehta

18th November, 2019

Movie: Street Dancer 3D
Cast:Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor, Nora Fatehi, Shakti Mohan, Sonam Bajwa
Director: Remo DSouza

22nd November, 2019

Movie: Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior
Cast:Ajay Devgn
Director: Om Raut

25th December, 2019

Movie: Kick 2
Cast: Salman Khan
Director: Sajid Nadiadwala

Movie: Brahmastra
Cast:Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Saurav Gurjar, Nagarjuna
Director:Ayan Mukerji

25th March, 2020
Movie: Sadak 2
Cast: Sanjay Dutt, Pooja Bhatt
Director: Mahesh Bhatt

31st July, 2020

Movie: Shamshera
Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Vaani Kapoor
Director: Karan Malhotra

Thursday, 14 March 2019

How to make money online fast

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Make Money Online
As long as you have an internet connection, you can legitimately earn money online from anywhere in the world. In this article, we’re sharing all of our best ideas to help you do just that.
Instead of using the internet to browse Facebook, stalk your ex on Instagram, or discover what type of bread you are via a Buzzfeed quiz,
you can do something more productive with your time!

Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a college student, or merely working part-time, you can leverage even the smallest window of opportunity to earn money online.

Our team scoured the web, wracked our brains, and consulted other side hustle experts to put together this genius list of ideas so you can make money online starting today.
Low effort and low commitment. The online jobs ideas in this section are all about making money online fast without too much work!

1. Participate in Market Research (Up to $100+ Per Month)

Market research companies like to collect data on consumer interests, and spending habits, so brands can learn how to better market their products. They primarily do thisresearch this via online questionnaires, and they’re always on the lookout for new survey participants. And yes, they’ll pay you.
If you’ve ever spent time taking paid online surveys, you know that you can earn money online every month while sitting at home in your PJs. If you’re a first-time survey taker, we recommend starting out with Survey Junkie.
Here’s how Survey Junkie works:
  • Take Surveys: Build your profile (takes less than 5 mins) and you’ll be matched with surveys.
  • Earn Rewards: Complete surveys and earn virtual points.
  • Get Paid: Redeem virtual points for Paypal cash deposits or e-Gift cards.
  • DollarSprout’s Survey Junkie  Review   

2. Take Advantage of Cash Back Signup Bonuses

Want $15 for a few minutes of your time? Of course you do! Lucky for you, there are sites like Ebates and DOSH that are offering cash incentives for people like you to join their sites.
What’s the catch? None, really. Cash back apps act as affiliates for many online merchants, which means that whenever you make a purchase throughone of the apps, they get a small commission — but then, they give you a portion of that commission as “cash back”. For example, if I buy a pair of Nike shoes through the Ebates app (or website) and spend $75, Ebates may get a $10 commission but then they’ll pass $7 back to me. It’s basically a way to get sale prices on stuff that isn’t on sale!
Ebates: $10 signup bonus after making $25 of qualifying purchaseswithin 90 days.
DOSH: $5 bonus issued instantly after you link a credit or debit card to the app. (Note: Sometimes they bump the signup bonus to $10)
Since they’re free, we recommend signing up for both. Whenever you are online shopping, just compare deals between the apps to find the best one.

Web Hosting |Types of Web Hosting

Types of Web Hosting
With hundreds and hundreds of web companies competing for your business with thousands of different web hosting plans, things can get pretty confusing pretty quickly. Add to that all of the "technical geek" terms like bandwidth, GB, and DNS and it's easy to see how someone who just wants to start an online business and make money online can get easily discouraged.

As your online business grows, your Web hosting needs will increase and become more complex. Free and inexpensive web hosting plans may have been fine in the startup phase of your online business, but if your website is starting to feel sluggish as it continues to grow and you get more website traffic, you may need to start looking at beefing up your Web server.
Think of this list as the progression of the type of hosting plans and services a growing online business can consider.
With that said, let's talk a look at the most common types of web hosting plans and determine which one would best serve the needs of your business; whether you are just starting an online business or looking to take your online venture to the next level.
1.Shared Web Hosting

Shared hosting means just that. Your website is hosted on a server shared by other websites. The advantage of this setup is the shared cost. You can pay as little as $5 to $10 per month for sharing a super server with (probably) hundreds (or thousands) of other websites.
The biggest disadvantage of a shared hosting account is that you're at the mercy of the other sites on your server.
A really popular site may adversely affect the performance of your own site. On the other hand, if you're the most popular site on the server, you get to use a super server for a very low price.
When most people start an online business they usually start out with a shared hosting plan to minimize costs, and they're not likely getting a ton of traffic initially.
Shared hosting is good for a brochure type site or a newer site that doesn't get a lot of traffic.
Price Range: $5 to $20/month.
Bluehost is a popular shared web hosting option.

 2.Reseller Web Hosting

Reseller hosting packages are basically a shared hosting account with extra tools to help you resell hosting space.

Reseller packages come with greater technicalcontrol (often via the Web Host Manager (WHM) control panel), billing software to help you invoice clients and other extra perks.
Some of those perks include:
  • free website templates
  • white label technical support -- that means the hosting company handles your clients' tech support issues
  • private name servers -- make your company seem even bigger by telling your clients to point their domain name servers to
Price range: Reseller packages range from $15 to $50, depending on features and resource limits.
If you're planning on selling web hosting as a business then reseller web hosting is perfect for you. Otherwise, just stick with a shared hosting plan if you're just starting out.
Also, if you're interested in making money as a web hosting affiliate you'll wantto check out this article on how to make money with affiliate marketing.

3.Cloud Based Web Hosting

Cloud Based WebHosting refers to a fairly new hosting technology that lets hundreds of individual servers work together so that it looks like one giant server. The idea is that as the need grows, the hosting company can just add more commodity hardware to make an ever larger grid or cloud.
The advantage of cloud-based web hosting is that if you get an unusually large amount of website traffic the web hosting plan can accommodate the surge of traffic - rather than shutting your website down.
If your website is growing and you're driving more traffic to your website, this is probably the first point you would upgrade too from a shared hosting plan.
Price Range: All grid computing packages use some form of the pay-for-what-you-use pricing structure.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

WhatsApp new features 2019 | Update features| WhatsApp Tricks

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The one constant in social media marketing is that things are always changing, and this is especially true on the world's largest social network, Facebook.

Even more interesting these days is that when Facebook makes a change, there's a trickle-down effect to Instagram, which is especially true in regards to advertising.

The fine folks at Facebook have released some great updates we should look forward to in the coming months – updates we should keep in mind when planning our 2019 strategies. To help keep you up to date, here are eleven new Facebook updates that you need to know about for 2019.

Facebook Stories Ads

Facebook Stories Ads will also enable brands to create new experiences for via the platform's Stories option.
Facebook Stories hasn't taken off the way Instagram Stories has, but this type of full-screen creative is very popular right now, and Facebook Stories ads will provide more options to reach people across both platforms.

Augmented Reality Ads

With Augmented Reality Ads, brands will be able to build deeper connection with users by helping them interact with, and visualize, different products and experiences within the Facebook platform.

As you can see, the ads will enable users to quickly access the Facebook camera to test your offerings via a 'Tap to try on' CTA.

Facebook Page Recommendations

You may have already seen this, but Facebook Page Reviews have been updated to Recommendations.

The update aims to provide Page visitors with a better understanding of what they can expect, based on previous customers' experiences, which adds an extra level of transparency to the feedback.

Redesigned Pages on Mobile.

Another update you're likely already aware of is that Facebook business Pages have been redesigned on mobile, making them easier to navigate, which should drive more action, according to Facebook.

Facebook Measurement Updates

Video Metrics Updates

Facebook also recently updated its video ad metrics in order to help advertisers get a better handle on true video engagement, and optimize video creative based on those behaviors.

 Self-Serv Brand Lift in Test and Learn

Facebook has also implemented new self-serve options to test and understand how your Facebook Ad campaigns impact the perception of your brand. This is a tool we can’t wait to get more familiar with.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

বৰষুণৰ কবিতা

✍️✍️✍️ইলিয়াছ হাচান✍️✍️✍️
     প্ৰিয়তমা, আজি এজাক বৰষুণ অহাৰ কথা
বৰষুণৰ শব্দৰে আজি এটা কবিতা লিখিম
লিখিম শুকান পাতৰ যৌৱন হেৰুৱাৰ বেথা ৷
লিখি যাম ধুমুহাই গছকি যোৱা গছৰ হিয়া ভঙা কান্দোনৰ কথা ৷
সেউজীয়াৰ প্ৰতিক্ষাত
প্ৰতিটো দিন প্ৰতিটো পল কিদৰে পাৰ হয়,
পাৰ হয় প্ৰতিটো ধুলিয়ৰী বিষাদ নিশা ৷
লিখিম আজি
শুকান মাটিৰ আনে নুবুজা বেদনাৰ কথা ৷
আজি মোৰ দুখৰ
কামিজটো খুলি থম ৷

উদং বুকুত বৰষুণৰ স্পৰ্ষৰে বলিয়া হম
আচলতে বলিয়াইহে বেদনা বুজি পাই
বলিয়া নহলে জানো কোনোবাই কাৰোবাক ইমান ভাল পাব পাৰে?
আজি প্ৰতি টোপাল পানী মই চুই চাম
অনুভৱ কৰিম মাটি আৰু পানীৰ মৰম
ঠিক মোৰ আৰু তোমাৰ দৰেই ৷
আচলতে কি জানা ?
তুমি বুলিয়েই মই বৰষুণক চুই চাম
কাৰন তুমি বৰষুণৰ দৰেই ,
যাৰ অপেক্ষাত থাকে শুকান পথাৰ
শুকান গছ
মোৰ শুকান উদাসী আতুৰ মন।।।
                           তোমাৰ অভিমানী প্ৰেমিক

Biography of Emma Watson

        Emma Watson:
        Emma Watson is best known for playing the character of Hermione Granger, one of Harry Potter's best friends in the 'Harry Potter' film franchise.
   Emma Watson was born on April 15, 1990, in Paris, France, but raised in England. The actress got her breakthrough role as a child in the hugely successful Harry Potter film franchise. Watson grew up on camera as she reprised her role as one of Harry Potter's best friends, Hermione Granger, throughout the entire course of the film series. After committing to the Harry Potter series for a decade, Watson has transitioned into a popular adult model and actress, having appeared in the popular films The Perks of Being a Wallflower, My Week with Marilyn and Beauty and the Beast.
Early Life
     Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born on April 15, 1990, in Paris. Her parents, both British lawyers, are Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson. Her brother, Alex, was born three years later. Her parents divorced when Watson was 5, and she moved back to Oxfordshire in England with her mother and brother.

Watson attended the Stagecoach Theatre Arts school at Oxford. She studied singing, acting and dancing, and performed in school plays. Her natural instinct for acting first came out when she won a poetry competition for reciting James Reeves' "The Sea" at age 7. Watson had never acted professionally when her theater teachers suggested her to agents looking to cast an upcoming movie based on the first novel of the best-selling Harry Potter series.
A 9-year-old Watson auditioned eight times for the role that would make her an international star. Harry Potter  author J.K. Rowling, who was deeply involved in the film process to make sure it stayed true to the book, wanted Watson for the role of Hermione from her first screen test.
Hermione Granger
Watson sufficiently impressed casting agents and the film's producers, and won the role of Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's smart, bossy best friend and voice of reason. Harry Potter was portrayed by Daniel Radcliffe, and Rupert Grint was cast as Ron Weasley, Harry's other best friend. The trio of British child actors would become known around the globe for their roles as young wizards fighting a battle between good and evil.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was released in November 2001.
Watson's 11-year-old film debut was an enormous success. It grossed more than $974 million worldwide. On opening day in the United States, the film made a record-breaking $33.3 million.  It was nominated for three Academy Awards, and seven BAFTA Awards. Watson's performance received critical praise, and her status as an up-and-coming young film star was made.
For the next decade Watson stayed busy filming the Potter series. In 2002 she reprised the role of Hermione for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, in 2004 for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and continued to star in the eight-part series through the final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, in 2011.

WhatsApp hacking

Are you thinking about hacking someone’s WhatsApp account?
WhatsApp is a popular free platform used by billions of the internet users who install it to take advantages of a large number of its simple useful features and exchange text messages with attached videos and audio files, using Android or iOS phone, PC or Mac computer or another smart mobile device. They can easily share a lot of information.

Hack Chats With FlexiSpy

The first method we are going to discuss is monitoring WhatsApp communication with FlexiSpy, a spy app that can be working on iPhone and
Android phone and provide a good result on all target devices when you need access to WhatsApp files.

Follow these simple steps to hack WhatsApp messages and control behavior of your employees, children, and other family members on this popular messaging network. It doesn’t take much time to download FlexiSPY. You have to visit its official website and don’t do anything than just a few clicks. You don’t need any code skills to do it.

Start the process with installing the app on a rooted iPhone or Android device. Make sure the app is compatible with the system.

The tool starts monitoring the hacked WhatsApp at once.

It will upload the captured data from the victim’s WhatsApp account to your user account on the app’s online portal. You can view the WhatsApp data in real time.

To view the captured data and read WhatsApp conversations, you have to log in your online dashboard.

Want to view recorded conversations? Click on IMs on the control panel and select WhatsApp from the list.

You can use search to find some specific keywords.

Don’t have time to view all the conversations? You can do it later if you download the WhatsApp conversations you need.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Assam SEBA HSLC Exam Results 2019 and Assam AHSEC HSSLC 2019 Results

The Secondary Education Board of Assam (SEBA) and the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) will announce the Assam Board result 2019 for Class 10 and Class 12 Results by the last week of May. The Assam Board Results for both High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) 2019 and Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) 2019 will be released in the online mode as well for the convenience of the students. Students can visit the board's official websites - or to check their results.
As soon as the Assam Board 2019 result for Class 10 and Class 12 is declared, a live link will be made available on this page so that the students can access their result directly. Students should also bookmark this page in order to receive regular and updated information on Assam Board result 2019.
The Assam SEBA HSLC 2019 Results will be declared, if chatter is to be believed, in May 2019. We will update the date and time of when the Assam HSLC result will be declared as and when the announcement is made by the official authorities.
The Board will declare the SEBA Result 2019 on the official website ( of the Assam Board and on website as well.

Tom Cruise Biography

                        Tom Cruise
Celebrated Name- Tom Cruise
Age- 56 Years
Nick Name
Birth Name- Thomas Cruise Mapother
Birth Date- 1962-07-03
Gender- Male
Profession- Actor
Birth Nation - U.S
Place Of Birth - Syracuse, New York
Father- Thomas Cruise Mapother III
Mother- Mary Lee
Siblings - 3
Nationality- American
Horoscope - Cancer
Height- 1.7 m
Weight - 67 Kg
Hair Color - Dark Brown
Eye Color - Green
Marital Status - Married
SpouseEx: Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes
Children - 3
Net Worth - $500 Million
Salary- Unknown
Best Known For - Mission Impossible Movies from 1 to 6
Awards- Drama in 1990 for "Conceived on the Fourth of July" and Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy/Musical in 1997 for "Jerry Maguire"

Early Life

Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, better known as Tom Cruise, was born on July 3, 1962, in Syracuse, New York, to Mary and Thomas Mapother. Cruise's mother was an amateur actress and schoolteacher, and his father was an electrical engineer. His family moved around a great deal when Cruise was a child in order to accommodate his father's career.
Cruise's parents divorced when he was 11, and the children moved with their mother to Louisville, Kentucky, and then to Glen Ridge, New Jersey, after her remarriage. Like his mother and three sisters, Cruise suffered from dyslexia, which made academic success difficult for him.
He excelled in athletics, however, and considered pursuing a career in professional wrestling until a knee injury sidelined him during high school.
At age 14, Cruise enrolled in a Franciscan seminary with thoughts of becoming a priest, but he left after a year. When he was 16, a teacher encouraged him to participate in the school's production of the musical Guys and Dolls. After Cruise won the lead of Nathan Detroit, he found himself surprisingly at home on the stage, and a career was born.
              Cruise married actress Mimi Rogers in 1987. It was through Rogers that the actor became a student of Scientology, the religion founded by writer L. Ron Hubbard. Cruise credited the church with curing his dyslexia, and he soon became one of its leading proponents. However, while his spiritual life flourished, his marriage to Rogers ended in 1990.That same year, Cruise made the racecar drama Days of Thunder  with Australian actress Nicole Kidman. Though the movie was unpopular among critics and fans alike, the two lead actors had real chemistry. On Christmas Eve 1990, after a brief courtship, Cruise and Kidman married in Telluride, Colorado.

Divorce to Kidman
   For much of the 1990s, Cruise and Kidman found themselves fiercely defending the happiness and legitimacy of their marriage. They filed two different lawsuits against tabloid publications for stories they considered libelous. In each case the couple received a published retraction and apology, along with a large monetary settlement which they donated to charity.
On February 5, 2001, Cruise and Kidman announced their separation after 11 years of marriage. The couple cited the difficulties involved with two acting careers, and the amount of time spent apart while working.
Following the divorce, Cruise briefly dated his Vanilla Sky co-star Penelope Cruz, followed by a much-publicized relationship with actress Katie Holmes. A month after his ties to Holmes became public, Cruise professed his love for the actress in a now-famous appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, during which he jumped on Winfrey's sofa, shouting "Yes!"

Marriage to Katie Holmes
    In June 2005, after a two-month courtship, Cruise proposed to Holmes in a restaurant at the top of the Eiffel tower. In October, they announced that they were expecting their first child together. The hasty proposal and surprise pregnancy quickly became tabloid gossip. But Cruise made even bigger headlines that year as an outspoken advocate for Scientology. He openly criticized former co-star Brooke Shields for using anti-depressants during her recovery from postpartum depression.
He also denounced psychiatry and modern medicine, claiming Scientology held the key to true healing. Cruise's statements led to a heated argument with news anchor Matt Lauer on The Today Show in June 2005, for which Cruise later apologized.
         In 2006, Cruise and Holmes welcomed daughter Suri into the world. That year, they were married in an Italian castle, with celebrities Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jennifer Lopez and Victoria and David Beckham among those in attendance. However, the storybook romance wouldn't last, and in June 2012 the couple announced their separation.

Data Source:- Internet.